How To Get High MCAT Score - My 99th Percentile Experience.

How To Get High MCAT Score - My 99th Percentile Experience.

My new lab mates and I were sitting in Microbiology Lab at the beginning of the Fall semester when one of them started talking about the MCAT. I wasn't really paying much attention because the last thing on my mind was the MCAT. I reasoned that because the MCAT was months away, all I needed to do was spend one month studying for it. But as my new acquaintance continued to discuss how much time he had spent studying for the MCAT, I started to question whether or not my one-month study schedule was adequate.

My new acquaintance was actually an instructor for one of the top prep businesses, and he told me everything about the application. The list went on and on and included lectures, study groups, private tuition, review materials, mock tests, and practice exams. Even though I noticed this program's incredible advantages, there were two reasons preventing me from participating:

1. I lacked the time to dedicate 20 hours a week to maintaining the strict study programmed. I was enrolled in 16 college credits and constantly had to put in a lot of effort to keep up my excellent marks. In addition, I worked a part-time job for roughly 15 hours a week. Additionally, I still required extra time for research and shadowing. If I had to spend 20 hours a week studying, I didn't see how I could ever finish everything.

2. I didn't want to spend more than $3,000 on MCAT preparation. I didn't want to add a few thousand more dollars to the cost of the medical school application because I had already started accumulating money for the application and plane tickets. I knew that my young family didn't have the resources to pay for this expensive prep course because I was about to become a father.
I made the decision to merely start studying on my own as a result of these worries. I made the decision that the best way to get started would be to take a full-length practice exam to assess where I was at the moment (I now advise taking a half-length practice exam as a diagnostic exam, as outlined in my diagnostic test , the best way to asses your progress. ). I used the AAMC full-length unscored film about nine months before my scheduled MCAT test date, I took my exam on September 24. Overall, I only got 76% of the questions right, so I realized I still had a lot of work to do. My findings led me to make a study plan and start working.

I could only devote 30 to 60 minutes every day to studying due to my busy schedule at school. I wouldn't even study on certain days. I simply made the most of the time I had available. I tried to read the Kaplan books throughout that Fall term. I concentrated especially on the topics I was currently learning in my studies. For instance, I read the Kaplan Biochemistry Review Book every day before class because I was taking a biochemistry course. I discovered that it gave me the opportunity to study for the MCAT while taking the class, which not only helped me perform better in it. I discovered that anytime the professor brought up a subject, I paid closer attention.

that I had noticed in the MCAT study guide. "I'd better learn this if it's on the MCAT!" I had that thought. Anyone who is taking pre-med programmes and studying for the MCAT should definitely consider using this approach.

Making notecards as I read is something I've always done in all of my undergraduate courses. I firmly believe in it because I am incredibly bad at remembering stuff without notecards. Before something becomes ingrained in my memory, I need to review it several times. I also believed that the MCAT, which covered a wide range of topics, would require particular attention to this. I strongly advise generating and using notecards to help you study for the MCAT.

These are the notecards that i made during my preparation period.

I had only completed the Biochemistry book and a portion of the Behavioral Science book by the time winter break arrived. But I made time during winter break to prepare for the MCAT for a few hours every day. Knowing that I would be taking Physiology in the Winter semester, I used this time to study the Biology Kaplan Book in the hopes that it would give me a head start on the course and advance my MCAT preparation.

I have started working on 5 to 10 AAMC practice problems from the AAMC Section Bank every day over the winter vacation. I only got around 70% of the answers right at this point, so I didn't do so well. But I was aware that if I did, I would improve.

Every day, I regularly completed practice problems. After continuing this for the following four months, I was able to improve to the point where I was answering 90 to 100 percent of the questions correctly (for more details on doing practice problems throughout the study process, visit my  MCAT Prep  Video Course).

I increased my weekly MCAT study time throughout the Winter Semester and was able to complete all of the Kaplan books shortly after the Winter semester ended, giving me a full month to prepare for the exam.

I started going over all the notecards I had created since I had started studying for the MCAT once Winter Semester was over. In order to examine those questions one last time before the test, I made care to mark the notecards that I answered incorrectly. Additionally, I started taking two practice tests weekly. I discovered that the written practice tests  by organizations other than the AAMC were very dissimilar from the practice problems I had mastered from the AAMC. Although I didn't think they were very good at predicting my MCAT score, they did make me feel more at ease with taking lengthy tests and helped me prepare physically for test day.

This is when I learned about the Khan Academy Video Collection. I thought it was really valuable because it was created in collaboration with the AAMC. Additionally, I thought it did a wonderful job of presenting the ideas in a clear, understandable way. Other than the Chemistry and Physics lessons, I made the decision to view every video in the library at twice the normal speed. I would pause as I watched every time I discovered something new.

I reviewed my Khan Academy notecards and any notecards I had highlighted to review again throughout my final week of training. I then took a few more AAMC practise tests, passing both of them with scores greater than 520. I was prepared.

I had a dreadful feeling after my test because I was so anxious on test day. I seriously considered nullifying my exam grade, but I ultimately made the decision to just get on with my life and submit the exam for scoring. I was shocked to learn that I had scored in the 99th percentile, which was my aim, when I received my score back.

After my initial exhilaration subsided a little, I made the decision to research being an MCAT tutor. I was hired by one of the top test preparation businesses, but I ultimately decided against staying since I wanted to start MCAT Self Prep and create my Free MCAT Prep Course. I want test preparation to be accessible to all students.

I devoted hours to researching the MCAT success stories of people with similar high MCAT scores to myself. I studied the accounts of more than 50 kids who achieved scores higher than the 95th percentile. Through all of my research, I found trends that led me to the conclusion that taking an expensive prep course is not always necessary for students who want to succeed on the MCAT.

The all MCAT Resources that i had created  will guide you through the study techniques used by those who score highly on the MCAT. It will assist you in creating your personal study strategy and lead you, step-by-step, through the full study process. Visit this collection  to get going right away. And don't be afraid to get in touch if you have any queries along the process. I am always willing to assist.

Sincere regards,

MCAT Promax

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